The evolution of your resolutions ~ 

The new year is a powerful and potent time to take a big pause and reflect on life, review, and realign with clarity for stepping forward into the expanding light.

Join us in this intentional time to drop in, listen to your heart and the brilliance of your higher mind, and craft a resonate plan of action to manifest what you truly desire to experience or create within the next turning of the year.

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This workshop will help you:

Re-align to what’s important to you. Clarify what you truly desire and the life you want to live. Get support and guidance to have clear action steps that support you feeling your best to show up as the best version of yourself.

Create space for yourself to connect with your deeper desires and the vision for the life you truly want to live and how you want to feel.

Get intentional about who you are and how that’s affecting your beliefs, thoughts, actions and words - which makes up the life you’re living.

Align your current reality with your deeper dreams, and get a specific, simple master plan to take action without overwhelm.

Hone in on what’s essential, so the chaos gets a backseat.

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