Your Ideal Daily Flow

Ayurvedic Workshop


Get a Free Session

Are you wanting to make some changes to optimize your day and live at your best?
For a limited time I'm offering free discovery sessions.
Click the link to schedule a time to share what's personally going on for you, what you truly want for yourself, and we can see how to make those dreams a reality.


Your Ideal Daily Flow

Optimize your daily schedule with the insight and ancient wisdom of Ayurveda.

★ Get tapped in and ride the natural wave of energy, every day.

★ Feel grounded, stable, strong, focused and centered in your Self.

★ Alleviate imbalances and refine the biochemistry of your body/mind.

★ Leverage your strengths and get a super boost for the big stuff and even the little stuff.

★ Take back control of your time and live according to what's in alignment of your deepest desires and big visions.

Receive some personalized coaching.

Free Personalized Support

I'm a certified Ayurveda Practitioner, and I'd love to put my knowledge towards supporting you in overcoming your difficulties. To share your unique challenges and personal health goals and see how Ayurveda can help you create your best experience - book a free discovery session.



Try a Free 20 min Coaching Session

Making an overhaul to your entire schedule and fitting in new healthy habits and essential self-care isn’t easy! It takes time, dedication, focus, and effort.

You’re going to come up against challenges, resistance, shadow stuff, and simply the desire to stay comfortable and avoid the discomfort of change.

Having some support, guidance, encouragement, and accountability along the way will make a massive difference.

I can help. I’m a certified Yoga Health Coach and I can walk you through some specific strategies for integrating this Ayurveda lifestyle with behavior changing methods taught by the pros.

For a free 20 minute coaching session, click here --->>

Click Here to Schedule

Your Ideal Daily Flow

Learn the best times to:

✦ connect with your subtle body + have a spiritual practice
✦ boost a daily detox + have a good BM to start the day fresh
✦ leverage your physical strength + workout
✦ optimize your problem solving skills, projects, and deeper intellectual work during the day
✦ improve digestion with best meal timing
✦ get things done and do the 'busy work', errands, light communication, emails, hold meetings etc.
✦ connect with loved ones, socialize, chillax, have fun and NOT work
✦ enrich practices that maximize your immunity and ojas or moony glow

© Anna Welle Ayurveda