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xo ~ Anna

Sam dosha, samagni, samdhatu malakriyah

Prasannatma, indriyas manah swath abhidayate.

~ Sushruta stru 24/41

Health is created when all three doshas (energies) and agni (digestion and metabolism) are functioning optimally and in balance. When atman (soul), senses, and mana (intellect) are in harmony, then internal peace and svastha (optimal health) is achieved.

Services Offered


Ayurveda 101: The Foundations

Learn the basic theories of Ayurveda in a clear, simple way to quickly apply it to your dynamic, modern life.

Getting the swing of this rich and complex ancient science can seem overwhelming or complicated. This course breaks it down in a fun, simple and straightforward way to help you see the world through the lens of Ayurveda, easily.


click here


Soul Body Bliss is based on the powerful principles of Ayurveda combined with an effective, systematic plan to implement change in how you live to create a healthier and more vibrant life.

You’re personally guided and supported through the process of upgrading your simple everyday choices to make massive upgrades in your health in this online program.

You can feel deeply rested, energized, centered, peaceful, connected, and joyful – and more.

For more info


click here


Ayurveda and Lunar Cycles

Womb Wisdom Workshop Bundle

Synchronize, align and amplify your feminine magik as you re-awaken to your moon mysteries and power.

Learn and remember this primordial way of living in honor and attunement to the feminine lunar cycle. Heal from imbalances and amplify your gifts.

For more info:


click here


A one hour workshop with natural remedies and strategies to build a strong, resilient immune system and creating more ojas (the subtle essence of kapha dosha.)

 You’ll generate enhanced vitality to feel more energized, glowing, and vibrant all year long.

We’ll explore diet, herbs, self care, stress management, mindset, and practices rooted in the ancient medical science of Ayurveda – the lifestyle of yoga.


These Ayurvedic practices & remedies will help you:
  • Protect your body against the common cold, flu, or whatever bug’s going around town.
  • Reduce stress, worry and overwhelm that wears you down.
  • Practice mindset techniques to transform your body/mind system.
  • Feel more nourished, rejuvenated and supported.
  • Cultivate better self care practices to stay strong, feel more energized, fresh and glowing all year long.

For more info


click here



Ayurveda is an ancient science that uses the power of nature to bring you back into balance, heal and enhance yourself.

Understand your own personal nature and how your choices influence your experience to get empowered, heal from dis-ease or step further into your potential.

Lifestyle, relationships, exercise, food choices, eating habits, digestion, quality of sleep, daily rhythm, self care and sacred practices are a few of the areas focused on and dialed in to improve your experience of life.

For more info


click here



This class will go over a variety of tools to help you reduce stress when it shows up, build a stronger and more resilient nervous system to feel less stressed, and adapt your self care to reduce anxiety.
You’ll discover the Ayurvedic perspective of anxiety and why it manifests. Then get specific supportive strategies for how to reduce and prevent anxiety in the future by healing the imbalance at the root cause.
Your sharpened toolset to reduce stress and anxiety will include:
  • Ayurvedic practices
  • How to change your daily habits
  • Mindset techniques
  • Gut health and how it’s related
  • Strengthening the nervous system
  • Boundaries & buffering for sensitive nerves
  • and more.

For more info


click here


Guided Detox

Drop into deeper self care and a simple wholesome diet to let go of the ‘junk’ and feel light, fresh, and clear.

15 days to better digestion, more energy and ease.


For more info


click here

Master Class

A free gift for you!

This 60 minute webinar will break down your most ideal daily routine, and how it can take you from surviving to thriving.

Optimize your daily schedule to:

  • Get tapped in and ride the natural wave of energy, every day
  • Feel grounded, stable, strong, focused and centered in your Self
  • Alleviate imbalances
  • Refine the biochemistry of your body/mind
  • Leverage your strengths
  • Live in alignment to your deepest desires and big visions

To download ::

click here

Discovery Call

Are you curious about working together?

Would you like to see how Ayurveda & I can help you overcome any issues?

I’d love to hear what your personal challenges are, specific goals you have, answer any questions, and explore the possibility of working together.

To schedule a session


click here

Community Forum

Magic happens when we come together.

Join our private online forum: The Bliss Babes to connect with like-minded ladies who want to grow, learn and evolve with the wisdom of Ayurveda, self care, personal evolution and a lot of love & fun.

To Join


click here

Client Love

I looked forward to the times I got to speak with Anna on the phone. Even the sound of her voice was soothing. She was a grounding force for me when my life was in another flux.

Anna’s level of training is evident in her ability to really listen to what was present for me at the moment and respond with clarity and exactitude, confidence and personal experience. I felt like Anna really heard what was underneath my words and could go beyond the surface level to what was really going on for me, and address the root of the issue.

Something I loved about working with Anna is her transparency and willingness to continue to ask better questions of herself and her mentees. She is a practitioner of a very high level and yet she’s simultaneously continuing her own education—this is the best kind of person to take any journey with.

Anna held space for whatever was arising for me, and lead me into a new discovery each time we talked simply be telling a story of her own experience that connected us—it was amazing! I felt like I could really connect with her even though I’d never met her in person.

Thank you, Anna, for your dedication, heart, and willingness to go along this path together!

~ Shinay Tredeau

Working with Anna has been such a privilege and joy. I looked forward so much to our Skypes.  I felt she was working not just from a place of deep knowledge, but also intuition and personal experience. An important blend!

I learned so much from her, and always re-read the notes from our calls, they were so packed with information. We covered many areas from the Ayurvedic tradition, both practical and subtle concepts. I really valued the suggestions she’s given for both myself and for my yoga clients.

I always left our calls feeling more knowledgeable, positive and inspired. Thank you Anna!

Lou Kitchener Yoga therapist, Yoga Studio Director

Anna is a pleasure to work with.  Over the 9 months of working together she seem to get to the root of my issues and offer guidance and ideas. Anna possesses a very special skill to calm my Pitta drive and motivate my Kapha laziness. By our last session together, I felt I had some tricks in my bag to use well after our time together had come to an end.

Miss you already  🙂


Anna demonstrates warmth and wisdom in every interaction.  Our conversations were filled with tangible and helpful ideas, and I always left with something new to try, or a new way to think about my body.  I’m so grateful for our shared time, and all that I learned about Ayurveda and healing with Anna!

Gratitude Abounds,


Working with Anna has been like having a true friend on the end of the line, holding a space for me with kindness and openness. I love how Anna uses her deep listening skills to understand what is the key issue I am working with, and then helps me find the answers within.

On many of our discussions, hearing Anna rephrase and reflect back to me, I was able to come to find many answers and next steps to work towards. I felt my information was held with such wisdom and respect via Anna’s wealth of Ayurvedic knowledge, and her trust in the process. Anyone on the Ayurvedic path would be well held in working with Anna, I feel blessed to have experienced her coaching,  Thank-you Anna.


xx  Sallyann Taylor

Anna has been my coach during a 9-month Ayurveda program and I have strongly benefitted from her insight and Ayurvedic knowledge. She is willing to dive deep and ask thoughtful questions to get at the root of the issue.

The biggest breakthrough I had with Anna was the healing of my tikshna agni which is a pitta related imbalance. She guided my eating, supplement intake and stress reduction activities which had a swift impact on my digestion.

I am happy to report that I no longer have the sharp tikshna digestion and indigestion problems I used to suffer from. She is now helping me take on a much bigger issue, which is related to my voice disorder. She directed to me to chakra healing and chanting through various resources. I am following her instructions diligently and am working toward my next breakthrough.

Anna is a compassionate, knowledgeable and professional coach. I have enjoyed working with her so much!

Elsa Arend