I’m here to serve the world, serve spirit, serve your highest bliss.

Sam dosha, samagni, samdhatu malakriyah

Prasannatma, indriyas manah swath abhidayate.

~ Sushruta stru 24/41

Health is created when all three doshas (energies) and agni (digestion and metabolism) are functioning optimally and in balance. When atman (soul), senses, mana (intellect) are in harmony, then internal peace and svastha (optimal health) is achieved.



Simply put, Ayurveda is an ancient science that uses the power of nature to bring you back into balance, heal and enhance yourself. Based on the five elements and the natural energies of the earth and all it encompasses, you are guided to create simple yet powerful ways to realign to your center, inner nature and optimal health. Lifestyle, relationships, exercise, food choices, eating habits, digestion, quality of sleep, daily rhythm, and sacred practices are a few of the areas focused on and dialed in to improve your experience of life.

For more information on an Ayurvedic Assessment click here.

To schedule an appointment click here.


Ready to feel deeply rested, energized, alive, fresh, more confident in your food choices, heart centered, peaceful, connected and joyful?

Yoga Health Coaching is based on the powerful principles of Ayurveda combined with an effective, systematic plan to implement change in how you live to create a healthier and more vibrant life.

You are personally guided and supported through the process of upgrading your simple everyday choices to make massive upgrades in your health in a 10 week program.

For more information, please click here.

If you’re curious about the potential of working together, have a few questions and would like to connect – schedule a 20 minute strategy session. I’ll ask you a few questions as well and we can see if you’re ready to make some changes for a breakthrough, and if Ayurveda is your answer.


Reiki energy therapy sessions are a very simple way to bring more healing energy into your body.

During a session, you relax on the massage table while I place my hands on different areas of your body – focusing on places where you experience more discomfort, pain, or any issues. Energy is channeled directly where it needs to go, and the divine consciousness of your being is assisted to heal, repair, or improve whatever it needs to. It is incredibly relaxing and restorative. Chakra assessments and balancing can also be done.

Treatment sessions are available in the Grass Valley area at my personal healing studio or in the comfort of your own home.

To schedule an appointment click here. 

“I listened to your talks and they are awesome, so useful for a healthy and radiant life. I started to do the abhyanga recently, and also following some of your advices in the daily life, and it has had great effects in my whole system -I’ve been having my pitta quite unbalanced, and these little changes in my habits have had a very beneficial effect. I really love your teachings and knowledge, my soul-body connects very much with them.”

Sophia CF

Professor at UC Berkeley

“Anna was a great coach for the Yoga Health Coaching Course. With her comforting, compassionate presence, she created a safe space for me to reveal my vulnerability and challenges. She listened deeply and asked pertinent questions that helped me become more self aware. She offered answers that reflected her knowledge and experience, always delivered with kindness. I trust Anna and wouldn’t hesitate to use her as a personal Ayurvedic Practitioner should the need arise.  Thank you Anna, for being you.”

Judy Orloff

Yoga Teacher and Body Worker

“These 10 weeks have been amazing! I’ve learned so much and have been able to integrate a great deal and more to come. I’ve learned to surrender to what it is, be more in the flow and have more awareness in my own body, routines and environment. The challenges have made me stronger and have helped me see and accept my weakness and vulnerabilities. But also see my strengths and my reactions. I have so much fun learning and observing myself! To know you and share with you this journey is a blessing.”

Maria Mar DH

Yoga Teacher

“Anna Welle’s conversations are both vibrant and educational. She is realistic and up to date on how we can get our bodies to run better, and feel better. Plus, she is really fun to talk to. It’s a great environment. Contact her and you’ll find out how to upgrade your life too.”

Brenda Butikofer

Nurse Practitioner

“Anna is calm, compassionate, and fully dedicated to the health and well-being of those she serves. She listened acutely, getting to know the intricacies of my body and life, then made meaningful, individualized recommendations. Upon following those recommendations, by quality of life has improved dramatically. Over one year later, I still consult the notes and recommendations I received from Anna on a regular basis to re-assess my self-care and wellness. I highly recommend Anna Welle Ayurveda for support in healing and whole-life fulfillment. She will dedicate herself to meeting your individualized needs and will be highly professional in the process.:

Georgia Del Favero


“Anna has such a beautiful energy and soul. Whether it was Reiki or an Ayurveda consultation, I always left our sessions feeling rejuvenated and reconnected with my body. Anna takes the time to get to know her clients so your time with her is personal, comfortable, and relaxed. She helped introduce me to the wonderful art and science of Ayurveda, which has completely transformed my life for the better!”

Julia Zhao

Yoga Instructor, Adventurer

“Anna has been a long time mentor to me for health, vitality and personal transformation. Through working together during an Ayurvedic consultation, Anna has been beyond thorough, supportive and expansive. She has followed up generously and we are working together toward my health-path accountability! Very grateful and am so excited to continue working together. She has been inspiring me to pursue studying Ayureveda!”

Terese Elhard

Graphic Designer

“I knew Ayurveda could be part of the solution to my problems, but I wanted to be sure to set off on the right foot. With incredible professionalism and compassion she made a full assessment of the situation. Her attention to detail and actionable suggestions have enabled me to live my life in better health and I look forward to working with her again very soon.”

James Tyson

Active Transportation Advisor